Sunday Services

  • Holy Communion

    09:00 — Lady Chapel, St Bartholomew the Great

    Taking place in the beautiful light and peace of the Lady Chapel. It is a quiet and contemplative service, which substantially follows the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. A brief sermon is preached, and a cup of tea or coffee often follows.

  • Family Eucharist

    10:00 — St Bartholomew the Less

    Held on most Sundays of the year in the neighbouring church of St Bartholomew the Less, this service is especially suitable for families with children. A simpler liturgy includes hymns and a short address.

  • Choral Eucharist

    11:00 — St Bartholomew the Great, also livestreamed

    Our principal act of worship in the parish is a choral eucharist in traditional language, with hymns, sermon, and full choral Mass setting sung by our outstanding professional choir. Refreshments follow in our beautiful cloister, which is one of the oldest in London.

  • Choral Evensong

    17:00 — St Bartholomew the Great, also livestreamed

    Our professional choir sings one of the great choral settings of the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. The congregation joins in the singing of hymns, and a sermon is preached unless Benediction is celebrated. All readings are taken from the Authorized Version of the Bible.

Weekday Services

  • Midweek Eucharist

    Tuesdays at 12:30 — St Bartholomew the Less

    A short said service, in the beautiful stillness of St Bartholomew the Less. In this Eucharist we pray especially for all those who work and who are being treated in St Bartholomew’s Hospital, and all those requests recorded in the book of intercessions in the church.

  • Evensong in the City

    19:00, 1st Thursday of every month — St Bartholomew the Great, also livestreamed

    Our hugely popular monthly Evensong for all those who live and work in the City. Join us for wonderful music and hymns, vibrant preaching, and delicious free food and wine in our cloister. The service is timed to allow you to come straight from work. If you are interested in joining the choir, please send an e-mail directly to the Director of Music by clicking here.

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