Our Governance

The Parish of Great St Bartholomew is governed by a Parochial Church Council (PCC). The vast majority of the PCC are lay members, elected at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). All those on the electoral roll of the Parish may vote in those elections.

PCC Membership

The Rector, The Rev’d Marcus Walker
The Assistant Priest, The Rev’d Taylor Wilton-Morgan

Harry Cowd
Charles Spanton

Deanery Synod representatives
Christin Cockerton (2026)
Timothy Foot (2026) (Vice-Chairman)
Patrick Hardy (2026)
Joseph Hutchinson (2026)
Nicholas Riddle (2026)

Elected lay members
James Brandreth 2027
Tracey Braddick 2027 Deputy Churchwarden
Paul Carter 2026
Glynn Huaraka 2026 Deputy Churchwarden
Jonathan Johnson 2025
Ian Kelly 2025
Sarah Kelsey 2026
Alison Knapp 2027
Martin Amherst Lock 2027
Christopher Marland 2026 (Treasurer)
Henry Mitson 2026 (Secretary)
Lorena Oldberg 2027
Paul Simmons 2025
Sophy Tuck 2025
Elena Unger 2025

Jack Carrington 2025
Sarah Harrison 2025

Church Committees

Many of the Church’s activities are organised by volunteer committees made up of members of the PCC and others. Click below to find out about them.

Charity Committee

  • To choose an annual church charity to fundraise for that charity over the year, and to encourage volunteering among the congregation.

    This year’s charity is the Whitechapel Mission.

  • Chairman: Jack Carrington
    Deputy chairman: Patrick Hardy
    The Revd Taylor Wilton-Morgan
    Martin Amherst Lock

Events Committee

  • To host events in order to bring the church community together, attract others to events, raise the profile of St Bart’s, and raise a surplus for the church.

  • Chairman: Christin Cockerton
    Elena Unger
    Lorena Oberg
    Nicholas Riddle
    Henry Mitson

Fabric Committee

  • To maintain oversight of the fabric of the buildings, liturgical elements and vestments, including keeping a watching brief on the quinquennial inspection, with power to authorize small scale expenditure on repairs and maintenance.

  • Chairman: Joseph Hutchinson
    Glynn Huaraka
    James Brandreth
    Jonathan Johnson,
    Sarah Harrison,
    Sarah Kelsey,
    Nicholas Riddle,
    Zoë McMillan (non-PCC)
    The Revd Jeremy Haselock (non-PCC)

Finance & Sustainability

  • To oversee and assist the finance team and to plan fundraising efforts to put the parish on a sustainable footing.

  • Chairman: Chris Marland
    Sarah Kelsey
    James Brandreth
    Sophy Tuck
    Timothy Foot
    Dom Ecclestone (non-PCC)

Mission & Outreach

  • To explore how to draw more people to worship God at our two churches and to deepen the faith of those already attending.

  • Chairman: Timothy Foot
    Jack Carrington
    Patrick Hardy
    James Brandreth
    Sophy Tuck
    Christopher Marland

Visitor Experience

  • To explore how to enhance the experience of visitors to St Bartholomew the Great. This year they have been asked to focus on developing the Friends, looking after the shop, and signage around the building.

  • Chairman: Martin Amherst Lock
    Lorena Oberg
    Sarah Harrison
    Paul Carter
    Jonathan Johnson

Major Fundraising

  • To engage in major fundraising for the large-scale projects of the church.

  • Co-chairmen: Harry Cowd, Tracey Braddick
    Henry Mitson
    Christin Cockerton
    Elena Unger
    Timothy Foot
    Charles Cook (non-PCC)
    Matthew Bell (non-PCC)

Gift Acceptance Committee

  • To perform due diligence on any gifts of over £10,000 a year.

  • Chairman: Charlie Spanton
    Patrick Hardy
    Sophy Tuck
    James Mathieson (non-PCC)
    The Revd Rosamond McDowell (non-PCC)

Employment Panel

  • A group that can be drawn upon to form panels to resolve employment disputes.

  • Sophy Tuck
    Timothy Foot
    Glynn Huaraka
    Chris Marland
    Jonathan Johnson
    Paul Carter


  • Churchwardens are elected annually as the senior laypeople of the parish and congregation. Their term of office is one year, and they may serve for up to six consecutive terms of office. Together with the Rector, they are generally responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the parish.

    Churchwardens are elected by those on the electoral roll together with residents of the parish.

  • All regular congregants at St Bart’s (the Great or the Less) are eligible to join the electoral roll, so long as they are over the age of 16.

    To join the electoral roll, please fill in this form and return it to:

  • All those willing to contribute their time and efforts to the PCC (and who are eligible) are welcome to stand for election.

    If you don’t want to be a member of the PCC you can join the sub-committees that keep many of the church’s activities thriving.

    If you are interested in running for the PCC or to be a Churchwarden, please speak to the Rector, Fr Marcus Walker.

  • Although under-16s cannot join the electoral roll, they can join our Council of the Wise, which helps to run our family services in the Less.

    Join the Council of the Wise HERE.

  • The next APCM will be in May 2024.

    You can find the Annual Report and Financial Statements presented to the last APCM, held on 21 May 2023, here.