Rectors and Priors of St Barts

List of Priors of St Bartholomew’s Priory, Smithfield:

Rahere, 1123, died 1143
Thomas, elected 1144, died 1174
G., elected and resigned 1213
John, removed 1232
Gerald, elected 1232
Peter le Duc, resigned 1256
Robert, elected 1256
Gilbert de Weledon, elected 1262
John Bacun
Hugh, died 1295
John, died 1350
Edmund de Braughyngg, elected 1350, resigned 1356
John de Carleton, elected 1356
Thomas Watford, died 1382
William Gedney, elected 1382, resigned 1391
John Eyton or Repyngdon, elected 1391
Simon Wynchecombe
John Eyton, died 1404
John de Watford, resigned 1414
William Coventree
Reginald Colyer, died 1471
Richard Pulter, elected 1471, died 1480
Robert Tollerton, elected 1480, died 1484
William Guy, elected 1484
William Bolton, elected 1505, died 1532
Robert Fuller, elected 1532, surrendered 1539

List of Rectors of the Priory Church, following the Dissolution:

1. John Deane, 1544–63
2. Ralph Watson, 1565–69
3. Robert Binks, 1570–79
4. James Stancliffe, 1580–81
5. John Pratt, 1582–86
6. David Dee, 1587–1605
7. Thomas Westfield, 1605–44 (later Bishop of Bristol)
8. John Garrett, 1644–55
9. Randolph Harrison, 1655–63
10. Anthony Burgess, 1663–1709
11. John Pountney, 1709–17
12. Thomas Spateman, 1719–38 (President of Sion College, later Prebendary of St Paul’s)
13. Richard Thomas Bateman 1738–60
14. John Moore, 1761–68
15. Owen Perrot Edwardes, 1768–1814
16. John Richards Roberts, 1814–19
17. John Abbiss, 1819–83 (elected President of Sion College, 1838)
18. William Panckridge 1884–87
19. Sir Borradaile Savory, Bt, 1887–1906
20. William Fitzgerald Gambier Sandwith, 1907–29
21. Edwin Sidney Savage, 1929–44
22. Newell Eddius Wallbank, 1944–79 (Prebendary of St Paul’s Cathedral)
23. Arthur Brown, 1979–91
24. David Lawson, 1991–93
25. Martin Dudley, 1995–2016*

26: Marcus Walker, 2018-Present

*The Parishes of St Bartholomew the Great and St Bartholomew the Less were joined in the new united benefice in June 2015.