A place of sanctuary within the Hospital and a family church within the City.

  • Hospital

    Open from 8am to 9pm, Barts the Less is available to patients, staff, and families visiting St Bartholomew’s Hospital for prayer and reflection. Staff who are currently serving or have served at the Hospital in the past regularly use the Church for services, and a Hospital Eucharist is celebrated each Tuesday at 12:30pm.

  • Children

    St Bartholomew the Less is where the parish Family Service takes place each Sunday at 10am. This service was designed with the children and enables them to play a full part with candles, bells, and drama. The children of the Less take part in the parish Remembrance Sunday and Palm Sunday services.

  • Oasis

    Peaceful and far away from busy traffic, Barts the Less is a popular place for people who live and work in the City to come and pray. There are few moments of the day when someone isn’t here giving thanks, asking for help, or enjoying the peace and stillness of an ancient church or the beautiful Princess Alice garden outside.

Visit Us

The Hospital Church of St Bartholomew the Less

West Smithfield

London EC1A 7BE 


Chaplaincy Phone
020 3465 7220