retreats and pilgrimages

nicaea 1700

13th - 20th June 2025

Mark the 1700th anniversary of the First Council of Nicaea by going on pilgrimage to the sites of the seven Ecumenical Councils. This is where Christianity was defined, and the nature of God truly understood. Travelling across Asia Minor we will visit each of the sites - Nicaea, Ephesus, Chalcedon, and Constantinople - with the high point of the pilgrimage being the recitation of the Creed on Trinity Sunday in front of the church where the Council of Nicaea was held.

£1995 pp sharing
£650 Single Supplement
7 nights accommodation

Bursaries are available for young adults who may find the cost prohibitive

young adults’ retreat

Starting in 2023, St Bart’s has organised a retreat for young adults of the church in south-west France. It is based on lectio divina, with everyone being asked to set aside half an hour for private prayer each day as well as following a pattern of Mattins, Holy Communion, Evensong, and Compline. There are bursaries available for those finding it difficult to pay.

Rome pilgrimage May 2024

In May 2024, 30 pilgrims from St Bart’s went to Rome to visit the relics of St Bartholomew on Tiber Island - which is also the site of the vision which Rahere, our founder, had of St Bartholomew, telling him to return to London and build a hospital and church.

walsingham november 2023

From one (former) shrine to Our Lady to a living shrine to Our Lady, a group from St Bart’s headed to the heart of Norfolk for a weekend of prayer and pilgrimage in November 2023.