Our Clergy

Fr Marcus Walker


The Rev’d Marcus Walker was ordained in 2011 and served for three years in London. Born in Jerusalem, he spent his childhood in the Holy Land, Moscow and Cairo. After reading History at Oxford, he worked as a parliamentary researcher for four years.

For four years Marcus was Deputy Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome, the Anglican Communion’s embassy to the Vatican. He co-ordinated the first Anglican Evensong at St Peter’s Basilica and the loan of the ancient crozier of St Gregory the Great to Canterbury Cathedral, as well as helping to run courses, host guests, liaise with supporters from around the Anglican Communion and keep the Anglican Centre running logistically.

Marcus is on General Synod, as one of the leaders of the Save the Parish movement. He is a monthly columnist for the Critic Magazine, and an occasional columnist for The Times, the Telegraph, and the Spectator.

He has been at Great St Bartholomew’s since February 2018.

Fr Taylor Wilton-Morgan


The Rev’d Taylor Wilton-Morgan is the Assistant Priest at Great St Bartholomew’s. Taylor was born in Sussex, and read Modern History and Theology at the University of St Andrews, before training for ministry at Westcott House in Cambridge. He was ordained deacon in 2020, and priest in 2021, serving his title in the Diocese of Norwich, where he ministered in a rural benefice at the heart of the Norfolk Broads.

He and his partner, Edwin, are the owners of two border collies, who are also enjoying their adjustment to London life.

Canon Jeremy Haselock


Canon Jeremy Haselock read History at university but moved into the field of Art History working primarily on medieval stained glass. After post-graduate work in York he became briefly an ecclesiastical travel agent, arranging tours and pilgrimages all over Europe. He trained for the priesthood at St Stephen’s House, Oxford while reading for the Honours School of Theology. He served curacies in Pimlico and Paddington before becoming Domestic Chaplain to the Bishop of Chichester. He was Vicar of Boxgrove and Diocesan Liturgical Adviser in the diocese of Chichester before being appointed Residentiary Canon and Precentor of Norwich Cathedral in 1998 where he was Vice-Dean from 2003. He was appointed Chaplain to The Queen in 2013.

While a member of General Synod from 2000 to 2015 he was a member of the Liturgical Commission, the Cathedrals’ Fabric Commission, the Council for the Care of Churches and the Church Commissioners’ Bishoprics and Cathedrals Committee. He is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Warden Emeritus of the Guild of Church Musicians, and has a DMus from the Episcopal seminary at Nashotah in the USA.

The Ven. Peter Delaney


Archdeacon Peter Delaney began life by studying Fine Art and then working in Hollywood in the film industry. Whilst in Hollywood Peter became a Quaker and this was to lead him back to the UK to read theology and become an Anglican priest. He was Curate of Marylebone, Chaplain of the University Church of Christ the King in London, Residentiary Canon of Southwark Cathedral and Vicar of All Hallows by the Tower in London. In 1999 he was appointed Archdeacon of London. In his retirement, he has been Priest in Charge of St Stephen Walbrook.

He is a Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Gardeners, The Company of World Traders. He is past Chair of the Wakefield and Tetley Trust, Vice Chair of the Trust for London and Chair of the Independent Advisory Group for the City of London Police.

His interests are the arts, especially theatre and film, gardening and Peter is an art historian.

Mthr Rosamond McDowell


The Revd Rosamond McDowell was ordained in 2005 and served her title at Holy Innocents in Hammersmith.

Rosamond is half Egyptian, and was baptised Coptic Orthodox. Like Fr Marcus, she spent her childhood in Cairo, and speaks Arabic and German. She read Mathematics and Law at Cambridge, then engaged in an LLM by research into Islamic law and fundamentalism. She trained as a solicitor, and works full time as a partner and head of department at a law firm in Lincoln’s Inn. Rosamond is married to Tim, and has two children.

In her spare time, Rosamond enjoys meals out with friends, reads, sings, plays piano, tries to learn New Testament Greek, makes a half-hearted attempt at exercising, doing all of them badly. Music is a favoured pastime, Bach a passion, and when she retires, she fully intends to immerse herself in the opera and other live music.

Fr Martin Freeman


The Rev’d Martin Freeman is an Associate Priest at Great St Bartholomew’s.

Fr Mark Young


The Rev’d Mark Young is an Associate Priest at Great St Bartholomew’s.

The Revd Julie Khovacs


The Rev’d Julie Khovacs is the Hospitaller, a joint position for the Church and the Hospital. 

Originally from the United States and born in Seattle, Washington. She and her husband, Ivan, moved to the UK in 2001.

She studied theology, cultural anthropology and chaplaincy and completed an MA in healthcare chaplaincy, alongside experience working in education, community care and for the church. Most recently she worked as associate vicar and ‘priest missioner’ for the Church of England.

This experience, alongside 12 years in ordained ministry, has shaped her understanding of spiritual and pastoral care and influenced her vocation, equipping her for her role at Barts Health.