Evensong in the City

Monthly Midweek Choral Evensong

Do you miss a well-sung Evensong with interesting preachers and good hymns? Do you work in or near the City of London? Evensong in the City is for you! At 7pm on the first Thursday of every month, it will allow you to come straight from work and enjoy the peace and beauty of Choral Evensong in London’s oldest church. The choir usually has 40 or more voices, producing a wonderful sound in the excellent acoustic of the Priory Church.
By the way, very occasionally there is a good reason to hold the service on a date other than the first Thursday of the month, so do check on our diary pages to be on the safe side.

Free Food – & sensible bar prices

As well as promising you well-known, singable hymns, we also serve up a meal in the Cloister after the service. The meal is free to those who have attended the service. It includes vegetarian and vegan options. We also have two bar locations where you can buy wine or soft drinks at unusually sensible prices.

You're a singer? Join the choir!

The choir for Evensong in the City is drawn from people who love choral singing, are pretty good at it, had real experience of singing Choral Evensongs in the past, and would like the opportunity to do so again. You don’t have to sign-up for every service, but come along when you can.

If you’d like to join, drop Sam Bardsley, Conductor of the Evensong in the City Choir, an e-mail