Leave a Legacy

St Bartholomew the Great has survived centuries of upheaval. Please help to ensure that it continues to survive for generations to come.

Making a Will is important if your wishes are to be carried out and your family and friends are not to be placed under additional stress. Dying intestate can lead to literally years of difficulties for your heirs trying to disentangle the consequences of your wishes not having been recorded in a legally valid manner.

For nearly 500 years the Church of England has encouraged people to make a Will. The Book of Common Prayer has a specific reminder to people to settle their estates whilst they are in good health. In doing so you are able to continue to care for your loved ones after you have died. There is also the opportunity to support your favourite causes after your death and helping to ensure their continuation for future generations.

St Bartholomew the Great relies on voluntary contributions for its survival. Its current condition is a testimony to generations of support. These gifts, which help to maintain, repair and improve the Church, will touch the lives of countless people, for centuries to come. St Bartholomew the Great has stood for very nearly 900 years in West Smithfield and will, God willing, remain for a further 900 years. A legacy, towards the general Fabric Fund, any other area of specific interest to you, or for general purposes, would be invaluable in preserving this ancient church.

In supporting St Bartholomew the Great you will be helping to maintain a beautiful and historic building, contributing to a tradition of wonderful music and liturgy, and ensuring that it continues to be a place of inspiration for all who visit.

The policy of the Parochial Church Council of Great St Bartholomew is to use legacies or bequests to help fund significant development projects in the parish, whether buildings, equipment or staff. As circumstances change over the years, it may not be possible to fulfil specific donor requests, so church members are encouraged to leave legacies, if possible, for the general purposes of the parish. The PCC will, when the time comes, discuss with Executors the most appropriate use of the legacy in the light of current projects and the donor’s known areas of interest in the church.

If you are interested in leaving a legacy or bequest, please contact the Treasurer at treasurer@greatstbarts.com.